The Law

The Law provides that every Employer having 10 or more employees must constitute an Internal Committee within the Organization to handle complaints of sexual harassment. The Law is applicable to all kinds of Organizations – Private and Public Sector companies, Government Bodies, Ministries, NGOs, Schools & Colleges etc. There are penalties if the Law is not complied with, including cancellation of license to do business. However, employers should look at complying with this Law not because of these penalties but because sexual harassment free work environment would lead to better growth of business.

For Employers

So that You can Relax…We bring to you end to end services for complying with Law. Be it Posters, or training your Internal Committee. Drafting your Policy or being an External Member. We do all of this and more for You. Not only that, we also help you with your D&I initiatives and provide you Legal support as and when required. You can choose what you want below.

Recent Updates

Almost every other day important developments are taking place in this field – it is not only that several complaints, resignations etc. are  being reported in media but also many cases are regularly being handled by Judiciary which are also setting a precedent for us. Over and  above this, the Ministry of Women and Child Development and Department of Personal Training are also regularly bringing updates and taking out circulars. To ensure that everyone is on the same page, we provide recent updates here. You can click on the options below or scroll down to see some of the updates.

For Internal Committee Members

We are not here just to support Employers, we are also here to support you! We understand the tough role you have to play as an Internal Committee (IC) member. Hence, we bring for you several kinds of workshops, get-together, regular updates in this field and more. You can choose your options below and can check out the recent updates we have provided above.

One On One Discussion

One can grow by reading and being updated but one can grow even further by sharing experiences. It is our endeavor to bring some of the best decisions, actions, experiences and more on record so that others can benefit from them- be it employers, internal committee members, employees, students – anyone!

For Everyone Else

If you are someone who wishes to know what the Law against sexual harassment is all about, or want legal or counselling support, have any queries or need advice, you can also reach out to us and drop your request here.

Adv. Sana Hakim

Litigation Expert
External Member & Trainer
Head - Training & Inquiries

Adv. Shivangi Prasad

Corporate Lawyer
External Member & Trainer
Head - Legal & Compliance

Samriti Makkar Midha

Psychologist (Clinical) & Psychotherapist
External Member & Trainer
Head - Content Development & Research

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